What happens when you coach 12 of the sharpest Kidmin & NextGen leaders for 16 weeks that you’ve ever coached. YOU WRITE A BOOK! And that’s exactly what we did!

Practical Solutions For Kidmin & NextGen Leaders is a brand new book from Jim Wideman Ministries.

Everyone can go farther and faster with someone coaching them than they can on their own. This is true in sports, it’s true in your health, it’s true in business and it’s also true in ministry.

I have always admired coaches. As a student of great teams in sports and ministry, I’ve been saying for years’Show me a successful team and I’ll show you a great coach.” I’ve also noticed truly great coaches have developed the skills to produce a winning team wherever they coach. Also they have learned how to assemble other great coaches around them. That’s exactly what I’ve done in EVERYONE DOES BETTER WITH A COACH- Practical Solutions For Kidmin & NextGen Leaders.

I’ve assembled some of the brightest and best coaches from my “Think Different Coaching Network. We identified some of the most common struggles that today’s Kidmin & NextGen leaders are facing and I asked each one to offer five solutions that you can do now to bring clarity and coaching to turn each challenge into an opportunity to improve. Each coach will also offer you a question to help guide you to taking your first step. Now you can get a team of coaches to help guide you to victory.
When you order the paperback from me I’ll throw in the digital book free. Order yours today!

I’ve always been a big fan of dynamic duos like Batman and Robin, Sam and Dave, Sonny and Cher, Peanut butter and jelly and also Paul and Silas, Barnabas, and Timothy. The thing I’ve noticed about dynamic duos, is they are more dynamic together than they are apart. Just like the home and the church working together can do more than either on their on to reach the family, the same is true with creativity and innovation they are better together than either by themselves.

Children’s leaders are some of the the most creative people I know. It just seems like creativity runs through their veins as well as blood. Back in 1988 I put on a different kind of conference at the time called the Children’s Ministry Idea Explosion. It was held in Orlando and as part of the conference it included a day at DisneyWorld. Now this was not my first trip to this creativity megaplex but I think I got more ideas on that trip than any before or any since why? The answer is simple I went to a creative place with a bunch of creative people. All day long we bounced off ideas of “what if?” and “how could we?” off children’s pastor after children’s pastor.

I’ve never forgotten that day and the conversations that came from it. But conversations alone don’t make things come to pass. I’ve always heard, “After everything is said and done there’s usually more said than done.” This is why I think creativity without innovation is not as powerful as the two working together as a dynamic duo!

To help us understand these two let’s take a look at what Mr. Webster says about each one.

Creativity according to the dictionary is the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. 

Imagination is a powerful tool. As most of you know I am a grandfather. One of the wonderful benefits of grandchildren for this children’s pastor is He has reminded me of things I knew about children and childhood that I forgot raising older children. My grandson’s imagination seems to be limitless. Every time he comes over to my house, his mother (Yancy) has to introduce who he is pretending to be which seems these days never to be Sparrow. He never breaks character until it’s time for a costume change and bam another super hero, doggie or hockey player breaks out. This has been a wonderful reminder of both the power of imagination and also the importance of string up my imagination. I don’t know why as adults we don’t make time to stir up our imagination and make time to think creatively and encourage original ideas.

I think one of the things that is lacking in children’s ministry today is the lack of original ideas. Now I know it’s been said there is nothing new under the sun but there’s stuff that’s new to you. 

You’ve heard me say over and over again that same action brings same results but did you know same thinking does also and we have to be willing to think differently and to think in ways we have never thought before to come up with original ideas. I think people in ministry develop bad habits over time because of how busy we are. Instead of taking time to be creative and try to come up with original ideas we just rely on the ideas of others. I’ve used this joke for years that one of my favorite tools in my kidmin arsenal of tricks is “selective creativity” that’s right I’m highly selective who’s ideas I rip off. There’s nothing wrong with borrowing a great idea in fact it’s smart but sadly one of the things that bothers me that has happen in children’s ministry we rely on the ideas of others rather than to continue to cultivate creative thought and original ideas in our own life and ministry.

Another excuse busy people use is we say we are not creative. I don’t believe that, especially for the believer because Genesis 1:27 tells us God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. We were created in the image of the creator, the one who created the universe and everything that was created. I think what we are really saying is we have chosen to not take the time to be creative and to get together with others to create creative meetings and sessions to brainstorm and think as well as rethink, to use our imaginations and dream what needs to happen differently as well as what needs to be created that just doesn’t exist in our ministries that needs to exist. In the early years of children’s ministry we were forced to be creative and innovative because stuff just didn’t exist.

I have enjoyed working more closely with the folks at Orange this past year. I have learned a lot about the importance of surrounding yourself with creative thinkers. I’ve learned that one of the things that encourages creativity is to begin to ask questions and then throw out new ideas.

One of the tools that I have started using that helps me with encouraging creativity is the creative board. (I’ve been using the web app version www.creativeboard.com, I love it!)

Don’t think because you are the leader you have to be the source of all creativity in your ministry, 1. Pray get the creator involved, 2. Surround yourself with creative thinkers, 3. Create a safe and idea welcoming environment that’s coved under the umbrella of mercy and even crazy, way-out there stretches of the imagination are welcomed.

Innovation is the action or process of innovating. To innovate means you make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. I think you can’t evaluate your ministry and life too much. The missing piece from anything moving from good to great is evaluation. To innovate really requires the rethinking of what’s being done and being willing to change your systems, processes and methods to give birth to a new way of achieving a desired outcome. As a person who wants to see results we’ve never seen why would you just want one of these? I’m a systems guy and love systemic thought the problem is not all creative types are good at implementation and not all systems folks are great at creativity. That’s where we join forces and create teams that bring both, creativity and innovation together. Change begins when you realize one or both of these are missing. 

So my question to you is who do you need to invite to your meetings and to evaluate what you’re doing creative folks or innovators? What needs to be that isn’t so that your ministries are effective, healthy, growing and bearing the fruit God wants they to bear. A wonderful mentor in my life used to say it doesn’t take leadership to change something that’s not working, it takes true leadership to take something that’s working good and add creativity and innovation to make it better!  Decide total to let this dynamic duo work for you to help you see God’s dreams for your life and ministry come to pass.


Fifteen years ago I launched the original group coaching program for Children’s and Family Ministries leaders that I called “Infuse.” Hundreds of NextGen leaders took part in those groups. I then expanded it to Student Pastors, Associate Pastors, Executive Pastors & even Senior Pastors through individual private coaching sessions. After much prayer and the Lord’s direction it’s time to bring back Group Coaching but in a brand new format that I’m calling “THINK DIFFERENT GROUP COACHING” it’s for anyone in ministry leadership. Here’s what I’m thinking… 6- two hour online video sessions, 1 hour of teaching, 1 hour of questions over 12 weeks. There will be a private Facebook group for connection, homework, and additional assignments. Your fee also includes a Path Element Profile Personality Assessment and a digital copy of my book AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP THAT LASTS. (This will be our text ) The first group with launch FEBRUARY 2023 and will be limited to 25 leaders. For more details, questions, cost and to request an application please email me at jim@thinkdifferent.coach or you can also contact me at jimwideman.com.

Over my lifetime I have received three specific ”calls” on my life. The call to get “ready for vocational ministry,” the call “to vocational ministry,” and the call to “teach and train others for ministry.” I am amazed through the years the doors that the Lord has opened for me to walk through. I have had the honor to host and be a part of training events all over the globe. Two of the churches I’ve served in have had a School of Ministry that I’ve gotten to be a part of. I’ve also been blessed along my journey to see firsthand the advancement of technology to get the Gospel out as well as to train and prepare others. I was absolutely thrilled when the President of The Kings University at Gateway Church in Dallas reached out to me about an idea they had to train the local church for ministry they were naming ChurchED

. Their idea was to create “Masterclass” style courses on every area of local church ministry to create a place where busy church leaders could go to be trained. One of the biggest needs in the church today is to train Kid’s workers to reach and disciple the next generation. I was so honored to be asked to help with the creation of their Kids’ Ministry Certification course.

You’ll learn from trusted voices who not only have 75 years of combined experience in local church Kid’s Ministry but they are still actively involved in ministry to kids now. A lot of Kidmin training available today is taught by people who used to work with kids rather than people who are currently ministering to kids and families.

You’ll learn about important topics like the Heart, Philosophy, and Theology of Kids’ Ministry, How to Conduct Effective Kids Services, Systems, Policies and Procedures You Need to Establish, Recruiting and Developing Volunteers and turning them into Servant Leaders, as well as Partnering with Parents and Grandparents, Time Management and much more!

The ChurchED Kids’ Ministry Certification is a completely online program. All content is accessible via your desktop, laptop, or mobile devise. The ChurchED mobile app is available for both iOS and Android devises.

I know what you’ve thinking, “How much does this cost?” NOTHING, it’s free! 

The Kids’ Ministry Certification is more than a certificate it’s an investment in your personal, professional, and spiritual growth. You can learn more at ChurchED.com.

Over thirty years ago, I began a journey that I’m still on today—a quest to move past “live well and do well” and to actually “lead well.” After fifteen years on the job trying to do my best and working hard, I realized there was more needed than just hard work, or even smart work for that matter. I realized true authentic leadership doesn’t come from a position or even a title; it comes from who you are, as well as, from who you are becoming. It comes from the inside out, and it is not a one-time choice; instead, it is the result of a daily choice to say yes to all of Jesus’ invitations.

One of the good things that came out of the shut down of 2020 for me is that my first book (Children’s Ministry Leadership “The-You-Can-Do-It-Guide”) that I  published more than twenty years ago, the rights, came back to me. Hallelujah! My idea was to read through it and make some updates and self-publish it and make an updated version of this popular book that has served as a textbook on Children’s Ministry Leadership for many colleges and seminaries.

As I started reading the book I realize more than the information inside had changed in twenty years. I had changed! In fact, I realized quick that I am not the same person I was when I wrote it the first time. I don’t think in the same ways, I don’t lead the same way. Although I am still involved in Children’s Ministry, my role had totally changed.  As the Executive Operations Pastor at my church. I mow oversee the finances, the data base, the facilities, HR, legal, security, guest services and car park, as well as Children’s Ministries. I have known from consulting and coaching with churches of all sizes, that the principles of leadership I live and teach work in every area of church ministry not just Children’s Ministry. 

That’s why, this is not the same book. I ended up not updated old material but totally re-writing the book from a whole different viewpoint and perspective as well as as over forty five years of hands-on experience.  What a wonderful opportunity I’ve been given to have a second chance to add, to take away, and to make the changes that I’ve wanted to make for years, as I have coached and taught through this material over the last twenty years.

I hope that wherever you are on your leadership journey that you’ll listen to Holy Spirit and apply what He will be speaking to you through this new book. We all have been called to be learners, and Jesus is not done leading us and showing us what He wants us to know and become, no matter what area of ministry you are currently leading.

I am so excited to announce beginning  October 5th, 2021 my new book “Authentic Leadership That Lasts” will be available for purchase. Right now you can pre-order it here at jimwideman.com  and be one of the first to receive it. I’ll also include a free digital copy as well for ordering from me. So follow the link and order your copy today! If you’d like to purchase multiple copies, reach out for quantity discounts. This new book is filled with gold, so get ready to dig.