35 years ago today Jesus gave Julie & I a wonderful gift. A wonderful, healthy, baby girl. We named her Yancy after my Step Dad. (A wonderful Godly man that Jesus sent into my life, Yancy was his last name.) But not only is today Yancy’s birthday but it marks 35 years of getting to be a parent. Julie and I had no idea what we were doing with her. If our pastor’s wife hadn’t come over we would have never figured out how to even give her a bath.

But one thing we knew we were responcible for her spiritual development as well as her physical development. We knew we needed to try to model Jesus to her although we failed time and time again. We never gave up. Now 35 years later one of the greatest honors in my life is getting to be Yancy’s Dad. She is the hardest working, most thoughtful, giving person I know. She loves Jesus with all her heart and she loves God’s people. Of all the people who serve on my board Yancy gives me the best advise and I am smarter when I listen to her counsel.

Now I get to watch her and Cory parent our grandson. I see their love and patience with him. They are better parents than us but they’ve had 2 advantages they got to watch our mistakes and not do those and they’ve gotten to watch the few things we did right and do those and make them even better.

So today not only do I get to celebrate the wonderful gift of Yancy I get to celebrate being a Dad, the third greatest day of my life only behind knowing Christ and becoming Julie’s husband.

As I get ready to celebrate America’s Birthday this weekend I can’t help but stop and say thanks to the countless men and woman who fought and paid for the freedoms we have as Americans. When I was younger I thought there really was such a thing as free stuff in the world but as an adult I know first hand free costs someone.  I love to give the resources I make away free, but the truth is it may not cost you, but it costs me. We live in a day when people expect certain rights and privileges. Most of the time we never stop and think about the costs and sacrifices others make for us to enjoy the freedoms we have. So before I cookout, light some fireworks and enjoy the festivities I want to pause and just say thanks and that I appreciate all those who fought and paid for the freedoms we have. Each year more and more of those freedoms are challenged and many of them are threatened. I am thankful I live in a place where I can still read and practice the Bible. I’m glad I have the right to proclaim the Gospel although it’s becoming less and less popular yet, I am still free to do so and for that I am very thankful. I’m also thankful I live in a place that gives me the freedom to bear arms. I get to vote, although each year there are less people I want to vote for and have to settle for the lessor of evils. I am so honored to be an American and I’m also thankful of all the places I could live in America I get to live in the South.

But no matter what freedoms come or go in this country I am thankful for the freedoms I have in Christ Jesus. I don’t ever want to forget what Jesus did for me. I am free indeed thanks to Jesus and what He did for me on the cross. I am free indeed no matter what the future holds, I know who holds the future and I do not want to take Jesus’ “free gift” for granted because it wasn’t free, it cost Him everything.

So as I get out the BBQ sauce and light up the grill please know this, I realize the freedoms I enjoy today as a Christ Follower and a Southern American where bought with a huge price and for that I am thankful! Praise the name of Jesus forever!  God Bless America! God have mercy on us all and help us Jesus to know that there is no true freedom outside of You!

Enjoy the 4th, go to church on the 5th!

I had no ideal in 1977 when I said yes to my Pastor to covering Children’s Church for a Sunday that 38 years later I’d be writing this blog post. I also had no idea what God had in store for me. I’m thankful for all the wonderful doors, like this one that He would open. I am also thankful for the early years I had serving Kids and families at Southside Assembly in Jackson, Mississippi. I’m still in contact with so many of those kids it’s also hard to believe that those first 12 year olds are turning 51 their next birthday. (Thanks Facebook for making me feel old.)

In those early years I wish I had known to grow my leadership as well as my ministry. I understood that it was my job to help make healthy disciples. I understood the importance of training kids now for a lifetime of service in a local church. A huge mistake I made in the early years was focusing on the group of kids that made up my ministry and forgetting to have a healthy ministry I also needed to work on relating to the three groups of adults that all kidmin leaders also have to work with. Parents, (since not a single child in my ministry has a drivers’ license), adult leaders, and the level of leadership above you. A healthy leader raises their own abilities to communicate and lead all three groups of adults. It was years before I studied leadership and worked on growing my abilities. I remember when I wrote my first book Children’s Ministry Leadership- the you can do it guide back in 2003 Children’s Pastors told me I wish I could have learned this from you twenty-five years ago and I always told them the same thing I wish I had know this stuff twenty-five years ago! The truth is I had to choose to add leadership to my arsenal of puppets, costumes, and magic tricks.

 If I wanted to make healthy disciples I couldn’t do this without including parents. I wish I had known then what I know now that “What happens at home is more important than what happens at church. ”The second thing I wish I knew was the importance of partnering with parents. You see every teacher knows a child does better in school with help from their parents. This is also true with spiritual things. Healthy Discipleship is a product of a healthy ministry that can be built by a team led by a healthy leader.

The third thing, I wish I knew was you have to build a team to not only build a healthy ministry but to have make healthy disciples. Those early years I was a one-man show. I now know kids need other adults in their lives that will tell them the same thing their parents are saying at home, at church. Besides that you need a team to help you follow-up and care for kids. You can’t do it alone. To build a team it calls for duplication as well as delegation.

As you work on your leadership, build a team and partner with parents it helps you relate better and win the respect and trust of the leadership above you. That’s why I have dedicated the rest of my life to help younger leaders grow in these three areas. That’s why I created www.kidmincoach.com, theClub, my resources and Infuse. Every kidmin leader needs to know the difference leadership, partnering with parents, and building a team makes. I wish I had and want to help you know these too.

When I started in Ministry back in 1975 I really never thought much about the future. I was young and thought I would always be young. I ministered in the now and really until a few years later did I really start see the importnce of visionary thinking and about working on the ministry I wanted to have not just on the the one I did have.

I have seen some amazing things in the years I’ve been in ministry here’s just a few:

1. I have gotten to see a ton of kids I’ve ministered to saved and baptized. (This never get’s old to me!)

2. I got to go to prom and take kids I had in children’s church on their Senior Trip

3. I got to do the weddings of tons of kids I had in children’s church.

4. I’ve had kidsI pastored at one church grow up and get married to someone I was their kids pastor at another church in another state.

5. I got to dedicate my own kids as well as baptize them in water

6. I got to be my kids’ children’s pastor and my grandson’s children’s pastor

7. Because of Facebook, and instagram I get to keep up with kids I had in children’s church and their families over the entire 40 years.

8. I’ve had hundred’s of kids I had in children’s church serve as leaders in children’s church.

9. I’ve had kids I had in children’s church serve with me on staff.

10. I’ve also gotten to dedicate the babies of kids I had in children’s church but today I had another first. I got to dedicate the first child that I was both his parents children’s pastor.

Working with kids over the years has brought me more joy and blessing than I could describe but just when I think I’ve seen and experienced it all, Jesus allows me to be blessed and experience his blessings in a new way. I just didn’t see when I was younger how rewarding it would be to still be in so many of the kids lives when they were adults.

I’m proud of the men and woman of God that my old children’s church kids have grown up to be! What an honor to get to see and do live with my own legacy… kids who grew up to be mighty in the Lord!

The other day I was sent a link to The History of Children’s Ministry by my friend Dr. Rick Chromey. Rick listed this as a brief history of U.S. children’s ministry, since the 1800s. Includes references to Sunday School, VBS, International Network of Children’s Ministry, Children’s Ministry Magazine and more. I thought to myself I need to watch this, as I watched I was blown away to see my name listed with all these hero’s of the faith. All I could think about was all the folks who were left out. So many folks helped paved the way for the modern children’s ministry movement, I am truley blessed and honor to be mentioned. Want to learn a little history of Kidmin take a look here.