If you have listened to me teach at all I’m sure you’ve heard me say before, “You can learn something new everyday, the key is to want to!” One of the things it’s taken me a long time to learn is how to rest. I have never rested like I should, I usually go and go and go and then collapse. I’ve told my friends to slow down, I’ve told my kids to slow down but I never really took my own advise. I’m trying to fix that. I’ve joked and told people even convicts get time off for good behavior but then I never took time off like I should. I am changing that! If old Jim could tell young Jim something I’d tell him take more vacations, enjoy you day off and look for regular down time you can build into your schedule and enjoy life!
Yesterday was Easter, it was wonderful, today I gave my staff the day off and I’m relaxing, resting and recooperating. Next year’s plans will be there tomorrow. The celebrations with staff will be there too. Today I’m resting. I splept in, I should do this more often. I enjoyed a wonderful conversation with my wife, I did some blogging and will go work on my cabin a little and clean up behind the workmen. I’ll do a bunch of praying and check up on my kids. I need to go for a walk but the important thing is to have a day of rest. Do I have workshops to write? Yes I do. Do I need to finish a book I’m writing? Yes I do! Is there stuff at the church I could get a jump on? Yes there is but it will all wait and I’m going to rest my brain, rest my spirit, and rest my body.
How about you, do you need to rest? Follow some advise from the Nike folks, just do it! Go get your nails done, go fishing, go exercise or read a book. I’m praying that the Lord will help you develop this habit like He’s helping me.
It’s important that we make time to rest!