Entries by admin


Learning To Rest

If you have listened to me teach at all I’m sure you’ve heard me say before, “You can learn something new everyday, the key is to want to!” One of the things it’s taken me a long time to learn is how to rest. I have never rested like I should, I usually go and […]

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The Yeard

I love doing things I’ve never done before. You’ve heard me say this for years… “Same actions bring same results!” I have pretty much had facial hair for most of my life I gre my first full beard in 1975 for America’s bi-centenial in 1976. I pretty much have kept it trimmed especially since Julie […]

Been Too Busy To Blog

Busy is one of the words that the meaning just keeps changing. Busy |ˈbizē|adjective (busier, busiest) having a great deal to do: So many times over the years I just thought I was busy and the next thing I knew I was really busy. I learned several years ago that one of the good things about being busy is […]

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God’s Plans For You Are Better Than Your’s

I was not called into Children’s Ministry, I was drafted. I was helping with the Youth at my church one Sunday (Because that’s what X-hippies did when they got saved in the 70’s) when my Pastor came to me and told me to grab my Bible, bring my guitar and go to children’s church. The […]