Questions To Ask And Things Todo To Have A Happy New Year
I can’t believe 2016 is here! I am so excited to begin my 41st year of ministry. I love New Years because folks naturally do 2 things that I’ve been telling #Kidmin leaders they need to do on a regular basis. One-they need to evaluate. You can’t evaluate without asking some key questions like, “What worked in 2014?” “Do you know why they worked?” Once you find the answers make sure you continue you do this in the New Year. Now ask yourself, “What didn’t work and why?” My favorite question to ask myself is “What am I going to do different to produce a different result?” Same action always brings same results. The reason you have to determine what didn’t work is so that you don’t take bad habits into the New Year. The second thing you need to do is to set goals. A goal is simply a target or mark that you are aiming at. Where do you need to improve? I just don’t look at my ministry I start with me. What do I need to do differently in my spiritual life. I like to ask myself “Has there ever been a time in my life that I’m more in love with Jesus than I am right now? If the answer is yes, I’m the only person that can fix that. What do I need to change for my family? Yes God has called me into the ministry but according to God’s Word I’m also to be the priest of my home. Today we began the New Year with our annual family lunch of Blackeyed peas and mac & cheese and cornbread. During lunch I asked every member of my family including Sparrow what they were believing God for so I could pray specially for them. I’ve made a commitment to pray for those things and join my faith to theirs. I’ve also planned my vacations and identified trips and special family times I need to keep open on my calendar. I also set some other personal health goals. Next ask yourself what are your ministry goals? Seting goals is just the first set, the second step is to make a plan for each of the goals you are aiming at. I also ask myself what appointments do I need to add to my calendar to make each goal a reality. Appointments work better than Todo’s because they have a date and time. Some leaders ignore Todo’s and keep putting them off. Most of the time we keep our appointments. Evaluating and Goal Setting will make a difference in this New Year. The key is to not just do this in January but keep it up all year long. Set a recurring appointment the 1st of each month to evaluate what’s working so far and what’s not, as well as what do you need to do different and what do you need to make sure you keep doing? Also set a recurring appointment on the 15th of each month to ask yourself “How am I coming on my goals? “What do I need to adjust in my plan?” So this year let’s just not start the year off right but let keep it up and make 2016 the year we do what it takes to hit our goals in every single area of our lives.