Been Too Busy To Blog
Busy is one of the words that the meaning just keeps changing. Busy |ˈbizē|adjective (busier, busiest) having a great deal to do: So many times over the years I just thought I was busy and the next thing I knew I was really busy. I learned several years ago that one of the good things about being busy is that it forced you to prioritize what you can do and what others can do. Over the last few months I’ve not only had to prioritize my life and how I spend my time but I’ve had to also learn how to say no to certain things and my blog was one of them was this blog. So why did I need to say no to blogging so I could say yes to seeing my family, 25 flights, 5 conferences, 6 consulting visits, 2 infuse retreats and 3 different infuse groups. I’m having the time of my life but the key is saying no so I can say yes to right stuff. Tomorrow I work at home training a staff in Virginia, then lunch with my wife and then meet a new Kidmin for coffee to encourage him. Then I fly out for California to help another church. So what is making you too busy for the things you should be doing? What do you need to say no to and what do you need to say yes to? I’m walking out balance in my life, my health, and going through the doors God opens and saying no to the ones that aren’t God. I made a promise in 1976 that if Jesus would open doors for me to minister I would go through them. He’s kept His end of the bargain and I intend to keep mine. So blessed!